EDconnect is successful in gaining Ministry and NZEI approval to deliver Teacher Aide PLD 

EDconnect nominated five courses that are designed to support Teacher Aides 

All teacher aides have access to funding to support their professional development and career progression. The funding recognises the important role Teacher Aides have in supporting education outcomes and provides financial support for professional learning opportunities related to that role. 

Who can access this funded PLD:

  • Teacher Aide is working in a New Zealand state or state-integrated school.
  • PLD applied for builds capability and competency in relation to the applicant’s role.
  • Supports development of Teacher Aide’s skills and knowledge that contributes to the vision of school or kura.
  • Supports learning needs of ākonga Teacher Aide works or align with one or more of the Teacher Aide Competency areas.
  • Agreed the timetable or time required out of school with their supervisor.
  • The Board of Trustees/principal agrees to the PLD the Teacher Aide intends to participate in.

Find out more about how you can apply for funding to undertake professional learning.
