In the teaching–learning relationship, well-designed professional learning opportunities are centred on the learner and focused on outcomes that matter. They are developed in a co-design process that links knowledge from research with the knowledge that comes from practitioner inquiry. They require honest, respectful relationships that combine honesty with warmth and respect.
Well-designed educational resources enable and enhance effective teaching and learning. They are based on evidence-based principles of effectiveness and designed in ways that enable their users to make decisions that translate those principles into the realities of local context. The right resource gets into the heart of the teaching–learning relationship. It helps embed improved ways of working seamlessly into everyday routines.
We work with you to co-design professional opportunities for your community. We help you determine where you are, where you need to get to, and what you need to do to get there.
How we can help
We work with you to co-design professional opportunities for your community. We help you determine where you are, where you need to get to, and what you need to do to get there.