Discover, Describe and Do…has been developed in response to the need for a resource that supports the development of the key literacy skills of visualisation and verbalisation. This is not a programme or an intervention, rather a resource to support teachers and learners, and specifically learners who have been identified as being good decoders, but poor comprehenders. We have all experienced the learner who is successful as a beginning reader but then appears to stall. The student who has:
difficulty following directions
weak oral language expression and comprehension
weak written language expression
difficulty with cause and effect
a weak sense of humour, and / or
appears to get lost and drift away.
Discover, Describe and Do… provides researched and practice informed strategies and tools designed to support literacy development for all learners, year levels and areas across the curriculum. The importance of oral language and communication in developing the learning foundations for successful readers and writers and their learning cannot be underestimated.