Michelle Le Gros

I have been a teacher, visiting teacher and an area manager within early childhood education for the past 26 years. My teaching journey has seen me explore kindergartens, childcares, and the home-based sectors.  

This holistic look at ECE has highlighted how unique each transition is for each tamariki, and how we as their kaiako need to ensure robust transition plans are in place to be able to support each tamariki (and potentially their Whanau) through that huge step into the primary sector.

I have been responsible for supporting “in training” Kaiako within centres, managing and supporting teams plus Nannie’s and educators and Au pairs within home-based settings. This is a very privileged role, and one I thrive within. My work has included sharing knowledge and guiding kaiako through ERO, professional development and coaching as needed. 

I also enjoy supporting our little learners with their learning and enjoy the hands-on practical aspect of teaching. Leading practise by example is something I feel very strongly about as a ECE leader.

I am very excited to be part of the EDconnect SELO team supporting the Waikato region. I will be providing support to meet licensing requirements and regionally allocated professional development to strengthen practice in the Ministry’s key SELO areas.  


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-le-gros-86635a15/